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Pos Team P W D L F A +- Pts
1Kabwe Rangers 532062411
2Mines united fc52303129
3Kabwe youth 42205238
4Mumbwa united 42205238
5Young kabwe warriors 42205238
6Fringilla fc52124317
7Royal boy 41303216
8Airpower 51313306
9Nangoma fc513134-16
10Mumbwa medics512257-25
11Chindwin centries 612325-35
12Hilltop itezhi tezhi311134-14
13Young leopard fc511346-24
14Kasanda police411235-24
15Mumbwa skills 402202-22
16Mapani fc10101101
17Mkushi united 501426-41
18Young Raiders fc00000000

Viewed 214 times

Mkushi united 0v1Young leopard fc
Kasanda police0v2Fringilla fc
Young kabwe warriors 3v1Mumbwa medics
Royal boy 0v0Nangoma fc
Mines united fc0v0Airpower
Hilltop itezhi tezhi2v1Mkushi united
Chindwin centries 0v1Kabwe Rangers
Kabwe youth 1v1Mapani fc
Nangoma fc1v1Mumbwa united
Young leopard fc1v2Mines united fc
Mumbwa skills 0v0Young kabwe warriors
Fringilla fc0v1Kabwe Rangers
Airpower 1v1Kasanda police
Mumbwa medics2v2Royal boy
Kabwe youth 1v0Chindwin centries
Mumbwa united 2v0Mumbwa medics
Hilltop itezhi tezhi0v2Kabwe youth
Royal boy 0v0Mumbwa skills
Young kabwe warriors 1v0Mkushi united
Mines united fc0v0Nangoma fc
Kasanda police2v1Young leopard fc
Chindwin centries 0v0Fringilla fc
Kabwe Rangers 1v1Airpower
Mumbwa medics2v0Chindwin centries
Mkushi united 0v1Royal boy
Nangoma fc1v0Kasanda police
Hilltop itezhi tezhi1v1Chindwin centries
Mumbwa skills 0v1Mumbwa united
Young leopard fc0v0Kabwe Rangers
Airpower 1v0Fringilla fc
Mumbwa medics0v0Mines united fc
Young kabwe warriors 1v1Kabwe youth
Mines united fc1v0Mumbwa skills
Mumbwa united 1v1Mkushi united
Kabwe Rangers 3v1Nangoma fc
Fringilla fc2v1Young leopard fc
Chindwin centries 1v0Airpower
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